Friday, March 26, 2010
SAD and angry....
Want to challenge bourgeois, good. But when capitalists suppress the workers, when e-voting which against the spirit of secret ballot and democracy implemented, when unfair discrimination happen between political ideology, stand, race, nationality,religion, region,gender,when authority miss use their power, when exploitation between class,group or people happen, when lack of freedom happen, when the cruelty of poverty happen..cancer of corruption.....why not so many people angry and feel emotional? All these are the vital issues that confront us and are the real battles the engulf us today...why...Only political humbugs, tyrants and cronies will hold sway over the silent, weak ,and suffering group. !!!No one care, just care on own ego and prestige....creating opponent which cannot cause harm to make yourself as
Saturday, January 23, 2010
不愿被校方权贵收编的我们,的确是吃了很多苦头。我们没有物质的好处,没有免费旅行;凡事自己出钱出力,熬着过来。如果只是没有机会捞点眼前利益,对权贵而言,也太便宜我们了。他们还有要我们吃苦头,被理应作为保护学生的保安人员欺压也不过是个司空见惯的方法 。听证会,警察局报到也是小意思罢了。
学弟学妹问我,学阵有什么。我心里想了一想,我们没有钱收买人、也不能请你吃大餐、免费旅行更是发梦,要住宿舍也比人家难;但,我们有的是尊严、骨气、理想,一股为人民未来奋斗的使命感。我们穷吗?如果你们以物质角度来看,以贪小便宜的心态做人;我们的确是穷。若你以人性的光辉为出发点,我们很富足,至少在精神层面。 我反而认为校方权贵的代理人-亲校方阵线才是穷!他们穷到只剩下钱!
我们的斗争很单纯,很直接。校园民主、学生自治、种族团结、宗教和谐等愿景相信大家都能明白。这是为了什么?有人质疑我们无法为学生谋求眼前利益,多几架饮水机、多点免费宴会、多点拨款好让学生能够更加尽兴的吃喝玩乐。如果单从争取学生福利角度来看,亲学生阵线参选的确是吃力不 讨好,毕竟校方才是校园政策的最后决策者。然而从大格局来看,亲学生阵线赢得学生代表理事会,却能在舆论上牵制校方和政府,任何威胁到学生权益不公平的事 情,有了学生代表理事会这个平台,将能够迅速做出回应,并动员支持力量,在舆论上与校方和政府相抗衡。

还记得曾经宿舍有学长告诉我宿舍的好处(这条水平时什么活动也没有搞,没有比赛成绩)-例如有食堂,吃饭方便、厕所走廊有清洁工人洗,不用照顾清洁。最令我喷血的是,他说水可以开大大不用关,不用关电,不像住外面要自己还水电费! 这种货色,这是令人摇头!不负责任,贪图利益,这种人无论在公共事务、私人企业还是任何机构都是一种祸根。在今天,失信案(CBT),滥用公款(CMA)等白领犯罪日益严重;也许这和我们国立大学的教育有关。为了令学生对校方贴贴服服,不惜利诱,不顾礼仪廉耻;把大学沦为制造一群祸国殃民的贪腐知识分子,祸害苍生。
更 甚的是很多华裔还带了plastic盒和纸袋来打包,我就曾亲眼目睹一个AUNTIE,在股东大会 后把coffee & tea station的那些糖包全部扫进她的包包里,连炼乳也不放过!!倒进她带来的小瓶子!!这还没有完结,当时我站在她的旁边,看得目瞪口呆,她还好意思对 我说:啊,这个酒店的碟子很美(也就是那种白色的普通瓷碟),拿几个回去;于是她就老实不客气把二个碟子放进她的包包里,一脸“理所当然”“毫无惧色”的 样子!留下那个在一旁看到傻眼出不到声的我!!
最 近出席一个官联公司的股东大会也是如此,从汹涌的人潮估计,签到的股东有3千多人,但是过后当会议正式开始的时候,在会议大堂里的人数却不到200人!! 那些人去了那里?那是因为这家官联公司,在会议开始前就送了礼物(电器一份),它没有准备午餐,但却送了KFC的免费餐券;换句话说,就算这些贪小便宜的 股东待到会议结束(接近2个小时),也不会再有额外的好康,那么,还留下来干什么?以为他们真的是sincere investors吗?股票交易所、证券委员会和小股东监督机构不断的进行投资者教育,培养出来的却是这些只为来拿免费礼物吃大餐的股东,真正准备就绪向 各上市公司发出问题的股东只属少数人。有这么多贪小便宜的股东,难怪我们的上市公司当中,有很多的企业监管出问题,弊病百出。”
相比下,大学也是同样的情景。我们有没有想过所缴交的学费到底用在什么地方?校方的财政是否透明,整个大学内地招标过程如何(包括食堂、清洁工作、工程、巴士服务、复印设备、电脑等)。我始终坚信,制度和政策改革才是最佳方案。大家试想想,若是学生力量强大,食堂负责人看给我们吃难吃又贵的食物吗?、巴士公司敢不准时吗?关键就在招标的决策权!学生必须要有力量,监督他们!也就因为如此会影响到某些利益集团的好处,所以他们要分裂学生,扶植一群学生当爪牙!这和当年英国殖民地政府扶植一群本土利益集团、日本侵略者在南京扶植汪精卫汉奸伪政权及今天的美国在伊拉克为了油田而扶植亲美势力是同工异曲的!还记得我新生的时候,法律系教授Azmi Sharom 就在主讲校园选举醒觉讲座会时曾经问过大家一句话: ARE YOU SO CHEAP?
最后,以福棋学长的话与大家共勉之。信 念、理想和价值,是人类安身立命的基础。如果一个人的信念可以轻易的被动摇,那么他根本没有信念;如果一个人能够轻易的放弃理想,那么他根本没有理想;如 果一个人能够轻易的背弃他所信仰的价值,那么他根本没有价值。信念、理想和价值,是人类立定来坚持,而不是立定来背弃的!
是一生奉献 肤色斗争中
* 年月把拥有变做失去
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
* 年月把拥有变做失去
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
词 \ 黄家驹. 曲 \ 黄家驹. 主唱 \ 黄家驹.
坚持信念 迎接挑战
紧握信念 划破黑暗

更 甚的是很多华裔还带了plastic盒和纸袋来打包,我
最 近出席一个官联公司的股东大会也是如此,从汹涌的人潮估
最后,以福棋学长的话与大家共勉之。信 念、理想和价值,是人类安身立命的基础。如果一个人的信
是一生奉献 肤色斗争中
* 年月把拥有变做失去
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
* 年月把拥有变做失去
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
# 今天只有残留的躯壳
词 \ 黄家驹. 曲 \ 黄家驹. 主唱 \ 黄家驹.
坚持信念 迎接挑战
紧握信念 划破黑暗
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
协办单位: 隆雪华堂青年团
2) 提升大专生对社会的应变能力
8pm: 隆雪华青代表致辞及颁发致谢状
10pm: 问答环节
1)陈凯希先生-海鸥集团董事经理,海鸥企业创办人,海鸥集团为三度《福布斯》奖得 主。
2)杨凯斌-当今大马中文版总编辑, 英国伯明罕大学政治與国际研究系碩士,马来西亚工艺大学资产管理系学士。荣获英國外交部"志奮領" (Chevening) 獎学金学者,並获选为欧盟驻中国与蒙古大使馆实习政治分析员,曾出任马来西亚独立杂志《小辣椒》编辑(2000-2003)。
3)YB潘检伟先生- 29岁之龄成为新加坡挂牌公司最年轻的总裁,现为国会议员。毕业于牛津大学哲学、政治与经济系。亚细安奖学金,邵氏基金奖学金及马来西亚烟草公司奖学金得主。
Saturday, December 26, 2009
公開組 高中組 初中組
吳漢坤(馬六甲) 陳智彥(吉打雙溪大年峇甲亞蘭國民中學) 李嘉沅(森美蘭芙蓉振華中學)
顏姿韻(馬六甲) 葉斌有(吉隆坡中華獨中) 陳京慰(馬六甲普羅士邦中學)
洪清木(吉打) 何鴻鉻(馬六甲雅佳美浪中學) 陳星志(柔佛峇株巴轄華仁中學)
彭金方(柔佛) 彭成毅(柔佛新山寬柔中學) 鄭詩晴(霹靂怡保培南獨中)
殷志偉(檳城) 羅燕晴(森美蘭淡邊東姑勿剎中學) 戴錫明(馬六甲公教中學)
王淑凌(馬六甲) 李嘉卿(森美蘭芙蓉中華中學) 陳采儀(森美蘭芙蓉振華中學)
魏月雲(雪隆) 和子平(SMK BUKT JELUTONG) 林佩霜(馬六甲華文中學)
呂輝業(吉打) 張含慈
阮慧雯(馬六甲) 辜秋瑩(馬六甲中六華文班) 甘世峰(彭亨關丹珍德拉華諧國中)
鄭俊翔(雪隆) 許蒼泰(霹靂太平華聯中學) 賴心慈(森美蘭芙蓉振華中學)
岑慧麗(馬六甲) 黎翠珊(霹靂怡保深齋中學) 雷欣宜(霹靂怡保培南獨中)
楊伊菱(檳城) 劉雯慧(檳城檳華女子獨中) 林馨薇(柔佛峇株巴轄華仁中學)
曾祥俊(森美蘭芙蓉振華中學) 鐘卓秀(彭亨關丹珍德拉華諧國中)
公開組 高中組 初中組
吳漢坤(馬六甲) 陳智彥(吉打雙溪大年峇甲亞蘭國民中學) 李嘉沅(森美蘭芙蓉振華中學)
顏姿韻(馬六甲) 葉斌有(吉隆坡中華獨中) 陳京慰(馬六甲普羅士邦中學)
洪清木(吉打) 何鴻鉻(馬六甲雅佳美浪中學) 陳星志(柔佛峇株巴轄華仁中學)
彭金方(柔佛) 彭成毅(柔佛新山寬柔中學) 鄭詩晴(霹靂怡保培南獨中)
殷志偉(檳城) 羅燕晴(森美蘭淡邊東姑勿剎中學) 戴錫明(馬六甲公教中學)
王淑凌(馬六甲) 李嘉卿(森美蘭芙蓉中華中學) 陳采儀(森美蘭芙蓉振華中學)
魏月雲(雪隆) 和子平(SMK BUKT JELUTONG) 林佩霜(馬六甲華文中學)
呂輝業(吉打) 張含慈
阮慧雯(馬六甲) 辜秋瑩(馬六甲中六華文班) 甘世峰(彭亨關丹珍德拉華諧國中)
鄭俊翔(雪隆) 許蒼泰(霹靂太平華聯中學) 賴心慈(森美蘭芙蓉振華中學)
岑慧麗(馬六甲) 黎翠珊(霹靂怡保深齋中學) 雷欣宜(霹靂怡保培南獨中)
楊伊菱(檳城) 劉雯慧(檳城檳華女子獨中) 林馨薇(柔佛峇株巴轄華仁中學)
曾祥俊(森美蘭芙蓉振華中學) 鐘卓秀(彭亨關丹珍德拉華諧國中)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
2012會是世界末日嗎?2012 is the end?
I am not able to tell you whether 2012 would be the end of our civilization as mention in the fiction or any other prediction. However, we should look at the history and analyze from it.
1st, we may look at the astronomic phenomena during 2012.
May 20 – Annular solar eclipse, a Sunday. Path of annularity runs through the Pacific Ocean from northern China to California.
June 6 – The second and last solar transit of Venus of the century. The next pair is predicted to occur in 2117 and 2125.
November 13 – Total solar eclipse (visible in northern Australia and the South Pacific).
November 28 – Penumbral lunar eclipse.
December 3 – Jupiter in opposition.
On the sun, the solar maximum of Solar Cycle 24 in the 11-year sunspot cycle is forecast to occur. Solar Cycle 24 is regarded to have commenced January 2008, and on average will reach its peak of maximal sunspot activity around 2012. The period between successive solar maxima averages 11 years (the Schwabe cycle), and the previous solar maximum of Solar Cycle 23 occurred in 2000–2002.During the solar maximum the sun's magnetic poles will reverse.
I am not able to look through all the phenomena because i am not scientist, i am just a art background student.
1)1518~1850年小冰期(little ice age),1518開始
2)嘉靖五年(西元 1526 年)浙江、江西、福建各省大旱。
中國地震局研究員,中國地球物理學會天災預測專業委員會副主任耿慶國說,研究了『金星凌日』的規律後,他采用取象比類的方法對2187年來的『金星凌日』與黃河中下游發生大洪水的年份整個進行比較分析,發現二 者存在相關性,尤其是公元前184年至公元60年期間(相隔243年)黃河中下游發生大洪水的年份,與公元1761年至公元2004年期間(相隔243 年)黃河中下游發生洪水的年份,存在著極好的同步性和一致性。
除了黃河以外,他發現『金星凌日』到來的前一年淮河往往有大洪水。例如,1518年、1761年、2004年『金星凌日』到來的前一年,即 1517年、1760年、2003年,淮河流域多出現洪澇異常。眾所周知,2003年,中國淮河流域發生了自1954年以來的最大的流域性大洪水,與 1517年和1760年的淮何流域大洪水互相印證。
下一輪金星凌日發生在2012年6月5–6日,會有什么事情,我不知道。不要忘記,2012年除了金星凌日,還有日環食、土全食、Penumbral lunar eclipse、Jupiter in opposition、太陽風造成的磁場變化等等。
to be continue.
I am not able to tell you whether 2012 would be the end of our civilization as mention in the fiction or any other prediction. However, we should look at the history and analyze from it.
1st, we may look at the astronomic phenomena during 2012.
May 20 – Annular solar eclipse, a Sunday. Path of annularity runs through the Pacific Ocean from northern China to California.
June 6 – The second and last solar transit of Venus of the century. The next pair is predicted to occur in 2117 and 2125.
November 13 – Total solar eclipse (visible in northern Australia and the South Pacific).
November 28 – Penumbral lunar eclipse.
December 3 – Jupiter in opposition.
On the sun, the solar maximum of Solar Cycle 24 in the 11-year sunspot cycle is forecast to occur. Solar Cycle 24 is regarded to have commenced January 2008, and on average will reach its peak of maximal sunspot activity around 2012. The period between successive solar maxima averages 11 years (the Schwabe cycle), and the previous solar maximum of Solar Cycle 23 occurred in 2000–2002.During the solar maximum the sun's magnetic poles will reverse.
I am not able to look through all the phenomena because i am not scientist, i am just a art background student.
1)1518~1850年小冰期(little ice age),1518開始
2)嘉靖五年(西元 1526 年)浙江、江西、福建各省大旱。
中國地震局研究員,中國地球物理學會天災預測專業委員會副主任耿慶國說,研究了『金星凌日』的規律後,他采用取象比類的方法對2187年來的『金星凌日』與黃河中下游發生大洪水的年份整個進行比較分析,發現二 者存在相關性,尤其是公元前184年至公元60年期間(相隔243年)黃河中下游發生大洪水的年份,與公元1761年至公元2004年期間(相隔243 年)黃河中下游發生洪水的年份,存在著極好的同步性和一致性。
除了黃河以外,他發現『金星凌日』到來的前一年淮河往往有大洪水。例如,1518年、1761年、2004年『金星凌日』到來的前一年,即 1517年、1760年、2003年,淮河流域多出現洪澇異常。眾所周知,2003年,中國淮河流域發生了自1954年以來的最大的流域性大洪水,與 1517年和1760年的淮何流域大洪水互相印證。
下一輪金星凌日發生在2012年6月5–6日,會有什么事情,我不知道。不要忘記,2012年除了金星凌日,還有日環食、土全食、Penumbral lunar eclipse、Jupiter in opposition、太陽風造成的磁場變化等等。
to be continue.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Healthy and Vital Politics: The Power of Love Against Fear and Hatred -- Healing Against Harm
What! Politics and spirituality!?! Duh? Hello. If you like freedom, democracy, have any sense of justice and fairness, and wish your children to have adequate food, shelter, energy, and medical care. Then being engaged with functional political-economic systems in that sense is excellent as one is either participating in oppression or tyranny on one hand, or on the other hand participating in alleviating injustice, oppression, and exploitation of self and others. If a person does not care about these issues, or would rather believe that autocratic forces, God, or trusted authorities will be taking care of these matters for one, then keep dreaming, wishing, and hoping. Good luck!
Politics, like it or not, pervades modern life. It is observed in the funding for war and the lack of funding for peace. In the amount of money allocated toward gulags and prisons, or on the other hand toward educational and economic opportunities for all. It can increase environmental toxins and disease, or it can limit and decrease such. It can ensure the free dissemination of information and data, or it can restrict it. It can foster policies of scarcity and competition, or on the other hand policies of abundance and cooperation.
Thus political-economic systems can be an amazing force for freedom, justice, peace, abundance, and creative fulfillment when not manipulated selfishly by greedy, selfish, and oppressive dark forces. Politics impacts people and other living beings in many ways. It can come down to the bombs falling over head and killing you or your loved ones (if you live in a war zone or soon to be one). Politics governs the quality of our air, water, food, energy, and healthcare. For human beings and their families (all of us0 its policies determine if you can use a quality library, find employment after fifty, be exposed to toxic pollutants and risk environmental disease, be sent off to fight in foreign invasions or not, be robbed by the government or be robbed by desperate "others", be jailed, tortured, beaten, or punished for your beliefs or dissent, etc.
Political policies have permeated all walks of daily life, unless one can find a perfectly isolated wilderness left alone in its pristine unexploited beauty or else attempt to view the heavens with telescopes and satellites all day long in ivory towers. It's not only difficult, but really impossible, to escape or deny, while money no longer promises to immunize one from this "reality". One may invest in expensive security guards, security systems, satellites, mercenaries, threats of torture and incarceration, escaping via spaceships, or attempt to buy tickets to heaven, but such ways of thinking only isolates one more, placing one in a very narrow self made prison of fear.
In short, many greedy self interest groups having their own agenda attempt to exploit people and resources, educational and health care institutions, regulatory institutions, government agencies, politicians, commerce, the environment, the financial institutions, and the economy incessantly for their narrow-minded agendas. Such political influences have to be recognized in order to rectify it. Ignoring it simply allows one to become unknowingly victimized and manipulated by it unconsciously harboring a delusion that one is somehow franchised as long as one goes along with the rules. That's an attitude held over from serfdom (read slavery). Worse it's an illusion. When serfs/slaves become worthless to the lords of greed, they are disposed of in an efficient manner. All human beings are subject to old age, sickness, and death and hence to the exploiter mentality, they have become useless.
In fact the manipulators and rulers would prefer that one did not participate in the political process (democracy), and hence the dark side of "politics" is thus promoted, discouraging people from becoming actively engaged for claiming responsibility for their future and future generations, righting injustice, creating a sustainable life supporting environment, and helping others to awaken to their innate creative fulfillment. In this latter sense political activity can be the road to social happiness and justice, abundance, sustainability, freedom, and spiritual fulfillment. For awakened , informed, and human beings who still have a living sense of justice (honoring the lifeforce within and without), political activity can be very empowering when regarded in this light. It can be the means to assure the happiness of our future great great grandchildren should we dare to broaden the scope of our vision and activities accordingly.
Authentic or real politics is essential to a democracy and a happy people. That does not mean power politics for power's sake like most of today's expedient (read deceptive and corrupt) politics has become today. Rather by real and authentic politics, it is meant a system where people have a say in governing themselves and changing their own future and destiny in the direction that is best for them and their children according to their own values, rather than to be governed by would be slave owners.
That sounds simple enough doesn't it, but I think that most Americans don't know the value of freedom (democracy) because they don't want to be bothered being informed. Democracy can't work without people being informed, of course. The same about the economy. It ain't complex either. Just because the "experts" say it is complicated and complex, it doesn't make it so. Real economic systems based on life affirming values are simply methods to efficiently expedite, distribute, and access water, food, energy, transportation, and medical care amongst a group of people. When that is accomplished expediently, then any time and resources left over is used for recreation, free time, creativity, and individual pursuits. If "free time" is becoming less available or vital resources/services dwindling, then that is a clear indicator that the economic system is not working and requires adjustment. In the end an authentic political-economic system is compassionate; i.e., it serves the needs of the people and future generations. That way we look forward to the morrow, free from worry, stress, or apprehension.
This kind of politics is reflected in wisdom, light, love, vision, abundance, justice, and ahimsa which is natural to an awakened heart. For those mired in darkness, fear, greed, selfishness, scarcity, and competition, they can not recognize it as such, rather they will project their own selfish motives upon "others" because that is what composes their own mindset or "world view" -- that. which is within their own minds and conveniently placate their egoic self deceit by imagining and imputing that love, compassion, justice, and altruism is its opposite; i.e., a disguise for jealousy and greed.
This article was originally written as an introduction to Rainbowbody's Healthy and Green Politics page, but it grew naturally as a seed into a flower of its own, and hence has been continued here. Here we will show that there is a direct interactive correspondence between man's institutionalized apparatus which externalizes and propagates ignorance and suffering through events, and the pre-existing institutionalization of ignorance and suffering that resides in the human psyche. We will show that there exists a direct correspondence between human behavior, activities, and hence the institutions that man creates as being direct results of human consciousness (a prior mindset) which is either lacking consciousness or is on the other hand informed and wise.
Consciousness or its lack shape and/or permit either abuse, exploitation, oppression, injury, and continued suffering to occur on one hand if it is unhealthy, sociopathic, pathological, dysfunctional, and perverted/corrupted; or on the other hand, consciousness can support healing, liberation, creativity, integrity, abundance, cooperation, peace, and happiness if it is healthy, functional, biosocial, based in the values inherent in the community of life, integrated, and wholistic; i.e., sane. The former relationship is what the psychiatrist, Erich Fromm, termed necrophilia (the love of death and destruction), while it is opposed by biophilia -- the love of life. Hence the social and political problems facing the human being are iatrogenic (self caused). The causal factors at their root are essentially psychological or spiritual, hence it is worthwhile to look into the reasons why this spiritual flowering and unfoldment has become stifled and repressed and in doing so we will uncover and identify institutions which serve to repress and inhibit critical, creative, and free thought.
For many humans who are partially awake these connections are obvious; i.e., that consciousness (and/or its lack) shapes man's behavior, institutions, and politics on one hand; while also that man's environment, culture, institutions, society, and experiences shape his/her consciousness as a simultaneously occurring or symbiotic two way street. Both are true, but neither is true exclusively.
For too many years this obvious connection between consciousness and behavior, between psychology and politics, between spirituality and political-economic systems, between psychology and socioeconomic, agricultural, ecological, and medical systems, etc., has been widely ignored and even purposively obfuscated by forces allied with ignorance and darkness -- with selfishness and greed. Such connections between sky and earth, spirit and nature, psyche and soma, consciousness and beingness have rarely been integrated (except in indigenous societies) of whom have been under attack especially in the West for 2000 years. Thus a widespread but artificially created pre-existing problem has been that consciousness expansion, spirituality, and the so called human potential movement has heretofore been poorly linked to social and political activities. Such a separation on a daily basis has artificially reinforced a needless spiritual rift (dematerialization) between so called earth/body positive"spirituality" and social activism whose schism unfortunately and dysfunctionally continues to erode human progress and happiness while creating needless suffering. The task is obvious. An authentic living spirituality must be embodied and allowed to manifest in daily life. Such must be part of a sane and healthy way of integrity which honors life and creativity which we will discuss in more detail later on.
This connection between consciousness and politics -- or rather between political action inside an overall spiritual context which honors our connection and co-creative interdependence with life support systems (Systems that support life) by honoring the greater community which upholds it and from which it has sprung, requires acknowledgement at a fundamental level of "self" as a part of (not apart from) the evolutionary power of creation. The connections between our persona and our environment should be obvious to anyone who has learned critical and creative thinking; but modern day urban institutionalized propaganda and rigid institutionalized ideology will refuse to link the two. Rather such self serving institutions serves to obviate them in an attempt to fragment human beings from the source of their innate power and goodness.
The "Good" News is that this acknowledgement of this symbiotic relationship between consciousness and beingness (our actual experience) empowers us while allowing and enabling sentient beings who have been awakened to change the future positively through skillful loving wise action. The bad news is that there exists self interested institutionalized forces afoot on the planet with greedy agendas and well funded strategies, who do not wish humans to wake up and bridge this gap, because such is judged as a threat to their perceived "advantage" (their perverse identification with the status quo in terms of their comparative advantage, security, greed, self image and thus is associated with mental fear, pain, and feeling of lack of self worth). Those who are awake and in the light and who are propagating wisdom and compassion are still in a minority. Similarly those who are consciously promoting ignorance, destruction, darkness, greed, control, and egoic power over others selfishly are also in the minority. The majority are sleepy people who see only a faint shadow or hollow phantom of what they are missing/craving or fearing, thus they become easy victims, slaves, and purveyors of a neurotic consumer oriented society and political machine which pursues ersatz consumables and vague symbolic representation as substitute compensation for the basic displacement/rend from being a vital conscious participant of the dynamic evolutionary and creative force. In that way willing consumers become accomplices in perpetuating their own state of need and anguish, which can not fulfil (except in over indulgent orgies of excess (such as over eating, drug abuse, alcohol addiction, other avenues of insatiable greed, until they become sick, recognize their folly, and desire to wake up and become free. Currently this neurotic consumer driven malaise (driven by insatiable greed) is a major factor in ruining the ecosystems of the planet.
With this compensatory neurotic apparatus reinforced, when one has become so invested and convinced, it then becomes more difficult for the average consumer to let go of their ersatz compensatory opiate/pabulum and addictions. However "kicking that habit" (renunciation of neurotic compensatory consumerism) is a powerful first step which supports further realization of their innate dormant higher potential -- the aforementioned healthy wholistic natural state of vital integrity which was lost sight of before the psychological conditioning, negative programming, perversion and corruption of one's psyche/consciousness became dominant. Worse people so addicted and dependent upon such false identifications will cling to and defend it; i.e., their egoic self image (pride) which is rooted in separation and isolation, will feel threatened by paradigms which expose or reveal its contradiction. That is because this false identification has succeeded in becoming familiar known territory and predictable, thus one chronically mistakes safety and well being with predictability. Thus they will tend to resist their own liberation from their own self imposed bondage to addiction because of a fear of unpredictability or change. Change will appear threatening instead of liberating.
Even worse they will tend to hide and deny their consumer addictions through defending and glorifying it in a self defensive/aggressive pride especially through psychopathological methods of demonizing their perceived detractors which is really the externalization of their own inner conflict and demons. These are psychological resistances and armoring of the ego which manifest when people who identify with their beliefs about themselves and "the world", but who have not yet looked at the mechanism on how those beliefs have become assumed. They have not learned how to question those assumptions and trust their own innate critical thought processes. Indeed even questioning their beliefs appears to such as a personal threat rather than as an opportunity to self liberate and expand. One way that human beings change is by suffering; i.e., when there is nothing more to lose, then they will more easily rebel. However such solutions based on scarcity and desire, wind up in the long run repeating the scenario of scarcity until this great lesson is learned; i.e., that we are all one big family -- that the quality, richness, and depth of life is not found in the individual's accumulation of more things and their protection/maintenance. The more things humans need and own are signs of discontent and spiritual displacement. They are signs of how much they crave, need, and are unhappy.
Thus the remedial mechanism for the political milieu will be shown to be a spiritual/psychological mechanism of waking up, of regaining our inherent integrity, wholeness, spiritual health, sense of justice, sensitivity to the life force, and increased consciousness which was perverted/co-opted through negative programming. This will be shown as being the same process as throwing off the impure thoughts, false beliefs, propaganda, and illusions of fragment identifications as a clearing of the contraction of the heart, because as the sky clears the clouds go away -- the sun shines through without complicated contrivation and fabricated rationalization.
People who honor love, do not kill, hate, rob, exploit, harm or oppress others. Peaceful minds, honor peace -- they make peace. Inner peace comes from a deep realization of who we truly are -- where the inner demons of the corruptive HeartMind have become conquered. Inner peace is a result of realizing who we are in completion -- as eternal unrequited love. Here there is no room for hatred or fear, only love, joy, fulfillment, compassion, comfort, and light. People who know fulfillment and joy are neither insatiable nor insecure. Successful people no longer incessantly strive, but rather they engender peace and fullness. Loving people make love, rather than hate, murder, or war. One who has found love, values and honors love, peace, and abundance attempts to enhance it. Such a person is motivated by such stirrings deeply from their core. As such peace is not passivity, but active -- it is the activity of love. Such people would not honor systems that create scarcity, competition, stealing from others, comparative advantage, war, or strife. Similarly, people whose HeartMind have become clarified and open love and honor freedom and do not enslave, oppress, nor support totalitarian police states. Rather they become engaged in wise activities which liberate, remove suffering, heal, and celebrate a life wedded in Great Spirit -- their actions acknowledge and honor the sacred in All Our Relations.
In identifying the causes of oppression and suffering we thus have to avoid obsessing "about" the negative (hate, greed, fear, and selfishness) of our fellow humanss especially so when we live in a materialistic, competitive, militaristic, capitalist, gulag society. This is not to say that one should turn away and ignore the oppression, exploitation, and lies while leaving them unacknowledged. However it will do no effective spiritual good to simply condemn it in outrage; or on the other hand glorify the perfection of love as a spiritual process on the other hand. The t the authentic challenge is in bringing the love, light, truth, happiness, kindness, justice, and joy through where it is absent -- grounding and manifesting spirit in everyday life -- embodying love and spirit in integrity here upon the earth as in "thy kingdom come -- thy will be done, here on earth as in heaven". This is the spiritual work of cleansing the HeartMind detailed elsewhere on; however here we address the activities of the Heart versus activities of men whose hearts are occluded. Framed in this way, it is not a condemnation of others but an inquiry how humans have arrived at precipices of strife and dysfunction, and as such teaches the lesson of history, how we can learn not to repeat such errors of learning the hard way -- through more pain and suffering -- until wisdom dawns!
Processes based on love, compassion, ahimsa, justice, and peace do not encourage nor reward suffering, comparative advantage, greed, jealousy, adversity, hatred, fear, competition, strife, and more confusion. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out, but it does require a healthy mind and a good heart. It requires some degree of sensitivity, awareness, and sanity as well. It is taken as a given (a priori) that people collectively moved by transpersonal universal love are capable of moving mountains -- that when we act motivated by the universal non-dual Source (Great Integrity) acting in alignment and harmony with the natural joy of spirit, healing, abundance, wealth, peace, then true happiness manifests. This basic assumption of a natural altruistic ambition forms a most powerful momentum of its own. It opposes the perverse idea that man must be motivated by the whip, by scarcity, conflict, competition, fear, intimidation, greed, threat, or negative ambition.
Hence we return to the first paragraph:
"Through Universal Altruism we develop a feeling of true responsibility toward others; the wish to help all actively over come our problems".The Dalai Lama of Tibet
We have said that freedom has a price. In a democracy it is called, responsibility. Freedom does not mean to give up that responsibility to crooks or tyrants. That responsibility is not discharged by simply voting (giving consent). First a true democrat (one who values democracy) has to value freedom which requires becoming informed and free of the propaganda. That requires a critical and creative thought process -- a mindset that values truth over lies as well as free access to information. So the responsibility is to be informed while at the same time throwing off the propaganda of belief systems which desire to manipulate your mind (and hence manipulate you as their servants/slaves). Then one can act responsibly and effectively in helping self and others. That can move us into a happier, more just, and spiritual situation.
To sum up so far, mankind's long history of war, murder, plunder, exploitation, violence, rapaciousness, and suffering thus is not a natural phenomena (although normal) at all, but rather is a perversion and corruption, a fragmentation, a falling away from innate integration, from All Our Relations. It is fundamentally unnatural and anti-nature. It is egoic, arrogant, and based on the delusion that human can be separate and independent from nature and primordial wisdom -- from the Big Family. As such it is merely a symptom of man acting out from his spiritual malaise -- his alienated or out of attunement/alignment with the wholeness of creation/creator. Simply put all abuses, injury, oppression, and suffering that man brings upon himself is due to a basic spiritual pollution and spiritual self alienation -- a primal rift or separation -- the false identification of the self limitation imposed by the small self (ego) who arrogantly imagines himself to be independent-- a lack of "Self" understanding which has become institutionalized, an institutionalized and programmed barrier, obstruction, or impurity which has stained and occluded his HeartMind.
Here again we can divide/reduce this situation into two directions -- the direction toward Self Integrity -- the Great Binding (mahavratam) of yoga or All Our Relations-- which we will call the altruistic motive power -the pure ambition of a peace warrior, Bodhisattvas, or Christos) -- of non-dual transpersonal Love -- the power of the Great binding and Final Great Gathering. On the other hand, the aversion to this integration is a fragmentation and corruption by definition called the way of dissolution, spiritual self alienation, and false identification with a separate self or ego. This latter addiction or rather enslavement of is the neurotic or compensatory desire (motif) which contains hatred, fear, compensatory cravings and all the other secondary resultant spin offs such as greed, jealousy, competitiveness, malevolence -- all the manifold vagaries of humanity's many afflictions and oppressions. It is in the latter that the Heart has become chronically contracted and where one has lapsed into chronic forgetfulness -- "dis-memberance" -- fragmentation, alienation, corruption, and perversion. It is there in this stage where mankind has formed its pact with "sin" and corruption, where he harbors his own demons which haunt him, and which is calling for a cleansing -- where the Heart is deeply calling out to him to open up.
Simply put the expression of eternal Love and Joy -- of All Our Relations -- opposes exploitation, abuse, harm, oppression, exploitation, suffering, and killing of others -- thus it supports freedom, well being, and peace. Further it supports abundance, life, and healing. Pure air, pure water, low crime, non-toxic environment, low crime rates, less needs for armaments, less prisons, more attention to an empowering educational system, healthy agricultural policies, cleaner air and water, non-oppressive governments, more abundance, etc. All these effects and manifestations follow naturally from a common health motif and cause. These are natural consequences of Love and happiness. They appear to be "wise" or at least sane.
The Dysfunctional/Disempowering Mechanism of Externalization, Authoritarian/Totalitarian States, Demagoguery, and the Politics of Blame is the Result of Abandoning Self Responsibility: Freedom can only occur when we are willing and able to take "self" responsibility.
On the other hand, when confusion, selfishness, hate, fear, jealousy, and greed dominate people's hearts -- when the Heart has become contracted, contaminated, or oppressed -- then we see the manifestations of dissatisfaction, greed, selfishness, competition, strife, hatred, envy, fear, jealousy, in over consumption, rape, war, crime, murder, theft, deception, prejudice, bigotry, abuse, waste, pollution, slavery, suffering, and the like. In this occluded, confused, and sleepy state, hate and fear -- or rather paranoia, insecurity, and greed rules and thus one's activities, behavior and politics becomes correspondingly occluded, dark, perverse, corrupt -- what is commonly called evil. Extrapolating this illusion further then, externalized "enemies" are created as if some one else or some external group was perpetuating this evil upon us and thus a scapegoat, an objectified enemy, evil, or object of hatred and blame external to "self" is manufactured. This simpleminded approach is attractive to those seeking quick and simple answers and find it difficult to think because they have been given no tools to investigate their inner demons or conflicts -- because they have been separated from their inner spiritual authenticity and authority -- from living spirit. Thus an externalized/objectified enemy serves the neurotic purpose of directing their fear and confusion into hatred and pride, because they are at once absolved from any responsibility and at the same time their frustration, grief, and anger are sublimated (discharged and relieved albeit temporarily) toward an external object. Thus in psychic terms a temporary catharsis is created and the neuroses, guilt, pain, trauma, fear, and self hatred appears temporarily relieved by objectifying a surrogate enemy or demon.
This neurotic mechanism is more easily manipulated en mass through group illusions (creating consensus support for the illusion) as in an objectified enemy external to the group, ethnic identity, religious identity, state, or national identity, as in war. This serves the same temporary release/discharge of anxiety (fear, hate, guilt) for the neurotic again relieving self responsibility, self hatred, guilt, anger, and grief. If the enemy is associated with "evil", then the enemy of evil becomes absolved as "good". Although simpleminded this childish transference has occurred for thousands of years where demagogues have manipulated people's fears, prejudices, confusion, anger, and guilt, even to the point cooperation with their own oppression and genocide. Here a figure of authority becomes the mediator (be it king, father, fuehrer, president, priest, or pundit). This same neurotic mechanism can be invoked pointing the finger toward an internal "security" threat by a demagogue creating a totalitarian police state where no one is trusted, no individual freedoms are allowed, where critical thought and creative thought are seen as threats, where the threat of "an externalized, ubiquitous, insidious, and omni-present enemy" is amplified -- where people cower in fear and terror (and not coincidentally where fear and terror are self perpetuating). Although authoritarianism will inflate and attempt to propagate and hide behind the appearance of virtue, there can be no mistaking totalitarianism no matter how cute the mask as anything other than institutionalized slavery -- it thrives on fear, paranoia, neuroses, hatred, prejudice, suffering, and ignorance.
Here we will link together the fact that world peace and true security comes from peaceful and psychologic/spiritually secure people, rather than from insecure people; i.e., a domestic or international "security" problem is the result of psychological/spiritual insecurity; i.e., insecure people. To root out this "security" problem must include why and how people feel insecure in the first place; i.e., what are the cause and effect factors involved. Only then can the insecurity be successfully approached and remediated. Those who advocate war are themselves at war inside of themselves. Those who see the demons everywhere are obsessed/possessed with inner demons -- which we need to exorcise. They live in a shadow world which begs for illumination and it is up to us (even though we may feel oppressed by "them" to rise above our own grief and suffering to increasingly learn how to share the light. Only together will WE walk into the Heart of Hearts -- no other.
Here we will see that greed, jealousy, pride, hatred, and fear all come from a spiritual lack and more basic insecurity stemming from a spiritual estrangement from "Self" -- a primary sickness -- a separation from "All Our Relations". As a matter of fact all human made problems emanating from our any of our activities or institutions of so called education (which turns our children into parrots), a profit motivated disease care system (where disease pays), environmental protection (where pollution and poisons are justified), agriculture (where scarcity, starvation, and poisoning the soil, water, air, animals and people are promoted ), energy policies (where global warming, acid rain, ozone holes, and ecological destruction are promoted), and where war, crime, homelessness, disparity, inequality, scarcity, and genocide are daily promoted -- all of such are unhealthy and reflect unhealthy souls -- are a reflection of a pre-existing inner predilection and dynamic; i.e., they are all part of mankind's spiritual malaise/trauma -- the split from Self in All Our Relations. The institutionalization of this trauma has for too long governed the price of bread, the quality of our air and water, war or peace, feast or famine -- this type of government policy of course is dysfunctional and unhealthy -- it lacks joy and heart. Instead of celebrating life, it demeans it and as such it creates more self hatred and alienation. It is not due to poor leadership, but rather the willingness of the people to be misled -- to not to think for themselves and thus to not take responsibility. Vampires and parasites do not thrive unless there is carrion for them to feed upon.
We will show that every aspect of mankind's sociopolitical structures are a direct result of his alignment with Source -- his embodiment of love and happiness on one hand, or on the other to the lack thereto. Either man integrates his Creative Loving potential into daily life -- in harmony with Creation or he will suffer accordingly. Here we will show thus that not only irrelevant sociopolitical structures and modalities (both domestic and foreign) are affected, but rather our daily life in terms of the air we breathe, the cost of our food, how much we work; i.e., in terms of basic agricultural policies, health care policies, education policies, environmental policies, and the like all are concomitant as a cultural reflection of man's persona -- his identification and alignment with Source (creator) and Substance (Creation) or else his separation or corruption from it -- its absence. It is in this sacred field which living spirit plays the dominant role in our daily institutions which today is severely lacking because it governs our daily quality of life. This situation requires mankind's attention acknowledgement, consciousness, and embrace. As such it is a inner spiritual process first because before man can see the love and manifest it, he first has to experience it. Merely reading about it will not suffice.
In this light then any economic system can be evaluated in the light of this field -- of how well it brings forth abundance, love, peace, well being, health, self empowerment of its citizens, freedom, and happiness. Thus healthy food, health care, agricultural policies, work safety, environmental health, eco-systems, education, social security are all very much inter-related. It does not take much thought to link the facts that clean air, clean water, and clean food are necessary and vital to any economy that those who would justify poisoned air, toxic water, and cancerous food products are themselves toxic, poisonous, corrupt and polluted -- their minds and bodies have become corrupted; just as much those who religiously advocate competition, strife, scarcity, wars, prisons, exploitation of natural resources and people as "necessary" motivation. Indeed it does not require much thought at all to see that removing violence and harm to all beings as a motif and ambition will effect a higher quality of life, less waste, and more pro-active policies all bringing more abundance. The reason that such a motif has not been adopted is not so much that the greedy and powerful status quo parasitical vampires wish to keep their advantage in terms of increased status, wealth, and power (simply read fear, insecurity, attachment, and greed) and will stop at no deceit or abuse to keep such, but rather it is because that not enough loving and wise people have awoke -- have refused to become the symbionts for their own oppression.
Thus it should be clear that the way of the open and clear heart playing in the sacred field of love, well being, joy, and fulfillment differs greatly from that of the constricted heart anguishing in the bitter depths of desire, greed, paranoia, fear, disparity, greed, and competition. We will see how the former healthy spiritual perspective clashes with the latter and show their differing veins which run through the rungs of history in a psycho-history, spiritual history, or new "science" (if you will) of poli-psy or poli-spirituality.
Politics, like it or not, pervades modern life. It is observed in the funding for war and the lack of funding for peace. In the amount of money allocated toward gulags and prisons, or on the other hand toward educational and economic opportunities for all. It can increase environmental toxins and disease, or it can limit and decrease such. It can ensure the free dissemination of information and data, or it can restrict it. It can foster policies of scarcity and competition, or on the other hand policies of abundance and cooperation.
Thus political-economic systems can be an amazing force for freedom, justice, peace, abundance, and creative fulfillment when not manipulated selfishly by greedy, selfish, and oppressive dark forces. Politics impacts people and other living beings in many ways. It can come down to the bombs falling over head and killing you or your loved ones (if you live in a war zone or soon to be one). Politics governs the quality of our air, water, food, energy, and healthcare. For human beings and their families (all of us0 its policies determine if you can use a quality library, find employment after fifty, be exposed to toxic pollutants and risk environmental disease, be sent off to fight in foreign invasions or not, be robbed by the government or be robbed by desperate "others", be jailed, tortured, beaten, or punished for your beliefs or dissent, etc.
Political policies have permeated all walks of daily life, unless one can find a perfectly isolated wilderness left alone in its pristine unexploited beauty or else attempt to view the heavens with telescopes and satellites all day long in ivory towers. It's not only difficult, but really impossible, to escape or deny, while money no longer promises to immunize one from this "reality". One may invest in expensive security guards, security systems, satellites, mercenaries, threats of torture and incarceration, escaping via spaceships, or attempt to buy tickets to heaven, but such ways of thinking only isolates one more, placing one in a very narrow self made prison of fear.
In short, many greedy self interest groups having their own agenda attempt to exploit people and resources, educational and health care institutions, regulatory institutions, government agencies, politicians, commerce, the environment, the financial institutions, and the economy incessantly for their narrow-minded agendas. Such political influences have to be recognized in order to rectify it. Ignoring it simply allows one to become unknowingly victimized and manipulated by it unconsciously harboring a delusion that one is somehow franchised as long as one goes along with the rules. That's an attitude held over from serfdom (read slavery). Worse it's an illusion. When serfs/slaves become worthless to the lords of greed, they are disposed of in an efficient manner. All human beings are subject to old age, sickness, and death and hence to the exploiter mentality, they have become useless.
In fact the manipulators and rulers would prefer that one did not participate in the political process (democracy), and hence the dark side of "politics" is thus promoted, discouraging people from becoming actively engaged for claiming responsibility for their future and future generations, righting injustice, creating a sustainable life supporting environment, and helping others to awaken to their innate creative fulfillment. In this latter sense political activity can be the road to social happiness and justice, abundance, sustainability, freedom, and spiritual fulfillment. For awakened , informed, and human beings who still have a living sense of justice (honoring the lifeforce within and without), political activity can be very empowering when regarded in this light. It can be the means to assure the happiness of our future great great grandchildren should we dare to broaden the scope of our vision and activities accordingly.
Authentic or real politics is essential to a democracy and a happy people. That does not mean power politics for power's sake like most of today's expedient (read deceptive and corrupt) politics has become today. Rather by real and authentic politics, it is meant a system where people have a say in governing themselves and changing their own future and destiny in the direction that is best for them and their children according to their own values, rather than to be governed by would be slave owners.
That sounds simple enough doesn't it, but I think that most Americans don't know the value of freedom (democracy) because they don't want to be bothered being informed. Democracy can't work without people being informed, of course. The same about the economy. It ain't complex either. Just because the "experts" say it is complicated and complex, it doesn't make it so. Real economic systems based on life affirming values are simply methods to efficiently expedite, distribute, and access water, food, energy, transportation, and medical care amongst a group of people. When that is accomplished expediently, then any time and resources left over is used for recreation, free time, creativity, and individual pursuits. If "free time" is becoming less available or vital resources/services dwindling, then that is a clear indicator that the economic system is not working and requires adjustment. In the end an authentic political-economic system is compassionate; i.e., it serves the needs of the people and future generations. That way we look forward to the morrow, free from worry, stress, or apprehension.
This kind of politics is reflected in wisdom, light, love, vision, abundance, justice, and ahimsa which is natural to an awakened heart. For those mired in darkness, fear, greed, selfishness, scarcity, and competition, they can not recognize it as such, rather they will project their own selfish motives upon "others" because that is what composes their own mindset or "world view" -- that. which is within their own minds and conveniently placate their egoic self deceit by imagining and imputing that love, compassion, justice, and altruism is its opposite; i.e., a disguise for jealousy and greed.
This article was originally written as an introduction to Rainbowbody's Healthy and Green Politics page, but it grew naturally as a seed into a flower of its own, and hence has been continued here. Here we will show that there is a direct interactive correspondence between man's institutionalized apparatus which externalizes and propagates ignorance and suffering through events, and the pre-existing institutionalization of ignorance and suffering that resides in the human psyche. We will show that there exists a direct correspondence between human behavior, activities, and hence the institutions that man creates as being direct results of human consciousness (a prior mindset) which is either lacking consciousness or is on the other hand informed and wise.
Consciousness or its lack shape and/or permit either abuse, exploitation, oppression, injury, and continued suffering to occur on one hand if it is unhealthy, sociopathic, pathological, dysfunctional, and perverted/corrupted; or on the other hand, consciousness can support healing, liberation, creativity, integrity, abundance, cooperation, peace, and happiness if it is healthy, functional, biosocial, based in the values inherent in the community of life, integrated, and wholistic; i.e., sane. The former relationship is what the psychiatrist, Erich Fromm, termed necrophilia (the love of death and destruction), while it is opposed by biophilia -- the love of life. Hence the social and political problems facing the human being are iatrogenic (self caused). The causal factors at their root are essentially psychological or spiritual, hence it is worthwhile to look into the reasons why this spiritual flowering and unfoldment has become stifled and repressed and in doing so we will uncover and identify institutions which serve to repress and inhibit critical, creative, and free thought.
For many humans who are partially awake these connections are obvious; i.e., that consciousness (and/or its lack) shapes man's behavior, institutions, and politics on one hand; while also that man's environment, culture, institutions, society, and experiences shape his/her consciousness as a simultaneously occurring or symbiotic two way street. Both are true, but neither is true exclusively.
For too many years this obvious connection between consciousness and behavior, between psychology and politics, between spirituality and political-economic systems, between psychology and socioeconomic, agricultural, ecological, and medical systems, etc., has been widely ignored and even purposively obfuscated by forces allied with ignorance and darkness -- with selfishness and greed. Such connections between sky and earth, spirit and nature, psyche and soma, consciousness and beingness have rarely been integrated (except in indigenous societies) of whom have been under attack especially in the West for 2000 years. Thus a widespread but artificially created pre-existing problem has been that consciousness expansion, spirituality, and the so called human potential movement has heretofore been poorly linked to social and political activities. Such a separation on a daily basis has artificially reinforced a needless spiritual rift (dematerialization) between so called earth/body positive"spirituality" and social activism whose schism unfortunately and dysfunctionally continues to erode human progress and happiness while creating needless suffering. The task is obvious. An authentic living spirituality must be embodied and allowed to manifest in daily life. Such must be part of a sane and healthy way of integrity which honors life and creativity which we will discuss in more detail later on.
This connection between consciousness and politics -- or rather between political action inside an overall spiritual context which honors our connection and co-creative interdependence with life support systems (Systems that support life) by honoring the greater community which upholds it and from which it has sprung, requires acknowledgement at a fundamental level of "self" as a part of (not apart from) the evolutionary power of creation. The connections between our persona and our environment should be obvious to anyone who has learned critical and creative thinking; but modern day urban institutionalized propaganda and rigid institutionalized ideology will refuse to link the two. Rather such self serving institutions serves to obviate them in an attempt to fragment human beings from the source of their innate power and goodness.
The "Good" News is that this acknowledgement of this symbiotic relationship between consciousness and beingness (our actual experience) empowers us while allowing and enabling sentient beings who have been awakened to change the future positively through skillful loving wise action. The bad news is that there exists self interested institutionalized forces afoot on the planet with greedy agendas and well funded strategies, who do not wish humans to wake up and bridge this gap, because such is judged as a threat to their perceived "advantage" (their perverse identification with the status quo in terms of their comparative advantage, security, greed, self image and thus is associated with mental fear, pain, and feeling of lack of self worth). Those who are awake and in the light and who are propagating wisdom and compassion are still in a minority. Similarly those who are consciously promoting ignorance, destruction, darkness, greed, control, and egoic power over others selfishly are also in the minority. The majority are sleepy people who see only a faint shadow or hollow phantom of what they are missing/craving or fearing, thus they become easy victims, slaves, and purveyors of a neurotic consumer oriented society and political machine which pursues ersatz consumables and vague symbolic representation as substitute compensation for the basic displacement/rend from being a vital conscious participant of the dynamic evolutionary and creative force. In that way willing consumers become accomplices in perpetuating their own state of need and anguish, which can not fulfil (except in over indulgent orgies of excess (such as over eating, drug abuse, alcohol addiction, other avenues of insatiable greed, until they become sick, recognize their folly, and desire to wake up and become free. Currently this neurotic consumer driven malaise (driven by insatiable greed) is a major factor in ruining the ecosystems of the planet.
With this compensatory neurotic apparatus reinforced, when one has become so invested and convinced, it then becomes more difficult for the average consumer to let go of their ersatz compensatory opiate/pabulum and addictions. However "kicking that habit" (renunciation of neurotic compensatory consumerism) is a powerful first step which supports further realization of their innate dormant higher potential -- the aforementioned healthy wholistic natural state of vital integrity which was lost sight of before the psychological conditioning, negative programming, perversion and corruption of one's psyche/consciousness became dominant. Worse people so addicted and dependent upon such false identifications will cling to and defend it; i.e., their egoic self image (pride) which is rooted in separation and isolation, will feel threatened by paradigms which expose or reveal its contradiction. That is because this false identification has succeeded in becoming familiar known territory and predictable, thus one chronically mistakes safety and well being with predictability. Thus they will tend to resist their own liberation from their own self imposed bondage to addiction because of a fear of unpredictability or change. Change will appear threatening instead of liberating.
Even worse they will tend to hide and deny their consumer addictions through defending and glorifying it in a self defensive/aggressive pride especially through psychopathological methods of demonizing their perceived detractors which is really the externalization of their own inner conflict and demons. These are psychological resistances and armoring of the ego which manifest when people who identify with their beliefs about themselves and "the world", but who have not yet looked at the mechanism on how those beliefs have become assumed. They have not learned how to question those assumptions and trust their own innate critical thought processes. Indeed even questioning their beliefs appears to such as a personal threat rather than as an opportunity to self liberate and expand. One way that human beings change is by suffering; i.e., when there is nothing more to lose, then they will more easily rebel. However such solutions based on scarcity and desire, wind up in the long run repeating the scenario of scarcity until this great lesson is learned; i.e., that we are all one big family -- that the quality, richness, and depth of life is not found in the individual's accumulation of more things and their protection/maintenance. The more things humans need and own are signs of discontent and spiritual displacement. They are signs of how much they crave, need, and are unhappy.
Thus the remedial mechanism for the political milieu will be shown to be a spiritual/psychological mechanism of waking up, of regaining our inherent integrity, wholeness, spiritual health, sense of justice, sensitivity to the life force, and increased consciousness which was perverted/co-opted through negative programming. This will be shown as being the same process as throwing off the impure thoughts, false beliefs, propaganda, and illusions of fragment identifications as a clearing of the contraction of the heart, because as the sky clears the clouds go away -- the sun shines through without complicated contrivation and fabricated rationalization.
People who honor love, do not kill, hate, rob, exploit, harm or oppress others. Peaceful minds, honor peace -- they make peace. Inner peace comes from a deep realization of who we truly are -- where the inner demons of the corruptive HeartMind have become conquered. Inner peace is a result of realizing who we are in completion -- as eternal unrequited love. Here there is no room for hatred or fear, only love, joy, fulfillment, compassion, comfort, and light. People who know fulfillment and joy are neither insatiable nor insecure. Successful people no longer incessantly strive, but rather they engender peace and fullness. Loving people make love, rather than hate, murder, or war. One who has found love, values and honors love, peace, and abundance attempts to enhance it. Such a person is motivated by such stirrings deeply from their core. As such peace is not passivity, but active -- it is the activity of love. Such people would not honor systems that create scarcity, competition, stealing from others, comparative advantage, war, or strife. Similarly, people whose HeartMind have become clarified and open love and honor freedom and do not enslave, oppress, nor support totalitarian police states. Rather they become engaged in wise activities which liberate, remove suffering, heal, and celebrate a life wedded in Great Spirit -- their actions acknowledge and honor the sacred in All Our Relations.
In identifying the causes of oppression and suffering we thus have to avoid obsessing "about" the negative (hate, greed, fear, and selfishness) of our fellow humanss especially so when we live in a materialistic, competitive, militaristic, capitalist, gulag society. This is not to say that one should turn away and ignore the oppression, exploitation, and lies while leaving them unacknowledged. However it will do no effective spiritual good to simply condemn it in outrage; or on the other hand glorify the perfection of love as a spiritual process on the other hand. The t the authentic challenge is in bringing the love, light, truth, happiness, kindness, justice, and joy through where it is absent -- grounding and manifesting spirit in everyday life -- embodying love and spirit in integrity here upon the earth as in "thy kingdom come -- thy will be done, here on earth as in heaven". This is the spiritual work of cleansing the HeartMind detailed elsewhere on; however here we address the activities of the Heart versus activities of men whose hearts are occluded. Framed in this way, it is not a condemnation of others but an inquiry how humans have arrived at precipices of strife and dysfunction, and as such teaches the lesson of history, how we can learn not to repeat such errors of learning the hard way -- through more pain and suffering -- until wisdom dawns!
Processes based on love, compassion, ahimsa, justice, and peace do not encourage nor reward suffering, comparative advantage, greed, jealousy, adversity, hatred, fear, competition, strife, and more confusion. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out, but it does require a healthy mind and a good heart. It requires some degree of sensitivity, awareness, and sanity as well. It is taken as a given (a priori) that people collectively moved by transpersonal universal love are capable of moving mountains -- that when we act motivated by the universal non-dual Source (Great Integrity) acting in alignment and harmony with the natural joy of spirit, healing, abundance, wealth, peace, then true happiness manifests. This basic assumption of a natural altruistic ambition forms a most powerful momentum of its own. It opposes the perverse idea that man must be motivated by the whip, by scarcity, conflict, competition, fear, intimidation, greed, threat, or negative ambition.
Hence we return to the first paragraph:
"Through Universal Altruism we develop a feeling of true responsibility toward others; the wish to help all actively over come our problems".The Dalai Lama of Tibet
We have said that freedom has a price. In a democracy it is called, responsibility. Freedom does not mean to give up that responsibility to crooks or tyrants. That responsibility is not discharged by simply voting (giving consent). First a true democrat (one who values democracy) has to value freedom which requires becoming informed and free of the propaganda. That requires a critical and creative thought process -- a mindset that values truth over lies as well as free access to information. So the responsibility is to be informed while at the same time throwing off the propaganda of belief systems which desire to manipulate your mind (and hence manipulate you as their servants/slaves). Then one can act responsibly and effectively in helping self and others. That can move us into a happier, more just, and spiritual situation.
To sum up so far, mankind's long history of war, murder, plunder, exploitation, violence, rapaciousness, and suffering thus is not a natural phenomena (although normal) at all, but rather is a perversion and corruption, a fragmentation, a falling away from innate integration, from All Our Relations. It is fundamentally unnatural and anti-nature. It is egoic, arrogant, and based on the delusion that human can be separate and independent from nature and primordial wisdom -- from the Big Family. As such it is merely a symptom of man acting out from his spiritual malaise -- his alienated or out of attunement/alignment with the wholeness of creation/creator. Simply put all abuses, injury, oppression, and suffering that man brings upon himself is due to a basic spiritual pollution and spiritual self alienation -- a primal rift or separation -- the false identification of the self limitation imposed by the small self (ego) who arrogantly imagines himself to be independent-- a lack of "Self" understanding which has become institutionalized, an institutionalized and programmed barrier, obstruction, or impurity which has stained and occluded his HeartMind.
Here again we can divide/reduce this situation into two directions -- the direction toward Self Integrity -- the Great Binding (mahavratam) of yoga or All Our Relations-- which we will call the altruistic motive power -the pure ambition of a peace warrior, Bodhisattvas, or Christos) -- of non-dual transpersonal Love -- the power of the Great binding and Final Great Gathering. On the other hand, the aversion to this integration is a fragmentation and corruption by definition called the way of dissolution, spiritual self alienation, and false identification with a separate self or ego. This latter addiction or rather enslavement of is the neurotic or compensatory desire (motif) which contains hatred, fear, compensatory cravings and all the other secondary resultant spin offs such as greed, jealousy, competitiveness, malevolence -- all the manifold vagaries of humanity's many afflictions and oppressions. It is in the latter that the Heart has become chronically contracted and where one has lapsed into chronic forgetfulness -- "dis-memberance" -- fragmentation, alienation, corruption, and perversion. It is there in this stage where mankind has formed its pact with "sin" and corruption, where he harbors his own demons which haunt him, and which is calling for a cleansing -- where the Heart is deeply calling out to him to open up.
Simply put the expression of eternal Love and Joy -- of All Our Relations -- opposes exploitation, abuse, harm, oppression, exploitation, suffering, and killing of others -- thus it supports freedom, well being, and peace. Further it supports abundance, life, and healing. Pure air, pure water, low crime, non-toxic environment, low crime rates, less needs for armaments, less prisons, more attention to an empowering educational system, healthy agricultural policies, cleaner air and water, non-oppressive governments, more abundance, etc. All these effects and manifestations follow naturally from a common health motif and cause. These are natural consequences of Love and happiness. They appear to be "wise" or at least sane.
The Dysfunctional/Disempowering Mechanism of Externalization, Authoritarian/Totalitarian States, Demagoguery, and the Politics of Blame is the Result of Abandoning Self Responsibility: Freedom can only occur when we are willing and able to take "self" responsibility.
On the other hand, when confusion, selfishness, hate, fear, jealousy, and greed dominate people's hearts -- when the Heart has become contracted, contaminated, or oppressed -- then we see the manifestations of dissatisfaction, greed, selfishness, competition, strife, hatred, envy, fear, jealousy, in over consumption, rape, war, crime, murder, theft, deception, prejudice, bigotry, abuse, waste, pollution, slavery, suffering, and the like. In this occluded, confused, and sleepy state, hate and fear -- or rather paranoia, insecurity, and greed rules and thus one's activities, behavior and politics becomes correspondingly occluded, dark, perverse, corrupt -- what is commonly called evil. Extrapolating this illusion further then, externalized "enemies" are created as if some one else or some external group was perpetuating this evil upon us and thus a scapegoat, an objectified enemy, evil, or object of hatred and blame external to "self" is manufactured. This simpleminded approach is attractive to those seeking quick and simple answers and find it difficult to think because they have been given no tools to investigate their inner demons or conflicts -- because they have been separated from their inner spiritual authenticity and authority -- from living spirit. Thus an externalized/objectified enemy serves the neurotic purpose of directing their fear and confusion into hatred and pride, because they are at once absolved from any responsibility and at the same time their frustration, grief, and anger are sublimated (discharged and relieved albeit temporarily) toward an external object. Thus in psychic terms a temporary catharsis is created and the neuroses, guilt, pain, trauma, fear, and self hatred appears temporarily relieved by objectifying a surrogate enemy or demon.
This neurotic mechanism is more easily manipulated en mass through group illusions (creating consensus support for the illusion) as in an objectified enemy external to the group, ethnic identity, religious identity, state, or national identity, as in war. This serves the same temporary release/discharge of anxiety (fear, hate, guilt) for the neurotic again relieving self responsibility, self hatred, guilt, anger, and grief. If the enemy is associated with "evil", then the enemy of evil becomes absolved as "good". Although simpleminded this childish transference has occurred for thousands of years where demagogues have manipulated people's fears, prejudices, confusion, anger, and guilt, even to the point cooperation with their own oppression and genocide. Here a figure of authority becomes the mediator (be it king, father, fuehrer, president, priest, or pundit). This same neurotic mechanism can be invoked pointing the finger toward an internal "security" threat by a demagogue creating a totalitarian police state where no one is trusted, no individual freedoms are allowed, where critical thought and creative thought are seen as threats, where the threat of "an externalized, ubiquitous, insidious, and omni-present enemy" is amplified -- where people cower in fear and terror (and not coincidentally where fear and terror are self perpetuating). Although authoritarianism will inflate and attempt to propagate and hide behind the appearance of virtue, there can be no mistaking totalitarianism no matter how cute the mask as anything other than institutionalized slavery -- it thrives on fear, paranoia, neuroses, hatred, prejudice, suffering, and ignorance.
Here we will link together the fact that world peace and true security comes from peaceful and psychologic/spiritually secure people, rather than from insecure people; i.e., a domestic or international "security" problem is the result of psychological/spiritual insecurity; i.e., insecure people. To root out this "security" problem must include why and how people feel insecure in the first place; i.e., what are the cause and effect factors involved. Only then can the insecurity be successfully approached and remediated. Those who advocate war are themselves at war inside of themselves. Those who see the demons everywhere are obsessed/possessed with inner demons -- which we need to exorcise. They live in a shadow world which begs for illumination and it is up to us (even though we may feel oppressed by "them" to rise above our own grief and suffering to increasingly learn how to share the light. Only together will WE walk into the Heart of Hearts -- no other.
Here we will see that greed, jealousy, pride, hatred, and fear all come from a spiritual lack and more basic insecurity stemming from a spiritual estrangement from "Self" -- a primary sickness -- a separation from "All Our Relations". As a matter of fact all human made problems emanating from our any of our activities or institutions of so called education (which turns our children into parrots), a profit motivated disease care system (where disease pays), environmental protection (where pollution and poisons are justified), agriculture (where scarcity, starvation, and poisoning the soil, water, air, animals and people are promoted ), energy policies (where global warming, acid rain, ozone holes, and ecological destruction are promoted), and where war, crime, homelessness, disparity, inequality, scarcity, and genocide are daily promoted -- all of such are unhealthy and reflect unhealthy souls -- are a reflection of a pre-existing inner predilection and dynamic; i.e., they are all part of mankind's spiritual malaise/trauma -- the split from Self in All Our Relations. The institutionalization of this trauma has for too long governed the price of bread, the quality of our air and water, war or peace, feast or famine -- this type of government policy of course is dysfunctional and unhealthy -- it lacks joy and heart. Instead of celebrating life, it demeans it and as such it creates more self hatred and alienation. It is not due to poor leadership, but rather the willingness of the people to be misled -- to not to think for themselves and thus to not take responsibility. Vampires and parasites do not thrive unless there is carrion for them to feed upon.
We will show that every aspect of mankind's sociopolitical structures are a direct result of his alignment with Source -- his embodiment of love and happiness on one hand, or on the other to the lack thereto. Either man integrates his Creative Loving potential into daily life -- in harmony with Creation or he will suffer accordingly. Here we will show thus that not only irrelevant sociopolitical structures and modalities (both domestic and foreign) are affected, but rather our daily life in terms of the air we breathe, the cost of our food, how much we work; i.e., in terms of basic agricultural policies, health care policies, education policies, environmental policies, and the like all are concomitant as a cultural reflection of man's persona -- his identification and alignment with Source (creator) and Substance (Creation) or else his separation or corruption from it -- its absence. It is in this sacred field which living spirit plays the dominant role in our daily institutions which today is severely lacking because it governs our daily quality of life. This situation requires mankind's attention acknowledgement, consciousness, and embrace. As such it is a inner spiritual process first because before man can see the love and manifest it, he first has to experience it. Merely reading about it will not suffice.
In this light then any economic system can be evaluated in the light of this field -- of how well it brings forth abundance, love, peace, well being, health, self empowerment of its citizens, freedom, and happiness. Thus healthy food, health care, agricultural policies, work safety, environmental health, eco-systems, education, social security are all very much inter-related. It does not take much thought to link the facts that clean air, clean water, and clean food are necessary and vital to any economy that those who would justify poisoned air, toxic water, and cancerous food products are themselves toxic, poisonous, corrupt and polluted -- their minds and bodies have become corrupted; just as much those who religiously advocate competition, strife, scarcity, wars, prisons, exploitation of natural resources and people as "necessary" motivation. Indeed it does not require much thought at all to see that removing violence and harm to all beings as a motif and ambition will effect a higher quality of life, less waste, and more pro-active policies all bringing more abundance. The reason that such a motif has not been adopted is not so much that the greedy and powerful status quo parasitical vampires wish to keep their advantage in terms of increased status, wealth, and power (simply read fear, insecurity, attachment, and greed) and will stop at no deceit or abuse to keep such, but rather it is because that not enough loving and wise people have awoke -- have refused to become the symbionts for their own oppression.
Thus it should be clear that the way of the open and clear heart playing in the sacred field of love, well being, joy, and fulfillment differs greatly from that of the constricted heart anguishing in the bitter depths of desire, greed, paranoia, fear, disparity, greed, and competition. We will see how the former healthy spiritual perspective clashes with the latter and show their differing veins which run through the rungs of history in a psycho-history, spiritual history, or new "science" (if you will) of poli-psy or poli-spirituality.
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